Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Just took this photo from work. Thought the sky looked quite dramatic and powerful and wanted to share it with you. Sorry it can't be clearer, as the windows are quite dirty and only have my camera on my phone.. I am thinking of buying a decent digital camera, but there is so many to choose from I have no idea. I better get one soon though as I am going away on holiday to Australia and need to capture the moments and scenery over there! Any suggestions on which camera to buy? I am thinking of the Canon IXY (I have had before), but am open to suggestions..
Just a quick entry today, off to a free wine tasting of the best wines they have had a wine bar over 2006, then off to a family sale for underwear (family sale means a variety of brands sold from 30-80% off the retail price). Only the ones that have been invited can attend.. Then to Fujimama's for a catch up with some friends and enjoying live music. Don't normally go out on a Tuesday night, especially with the cold and wet upon me, however, have decided to try and make more of an effort and see my friends and support local events. A change in me? Perhaps. But do need to upgrade my skills and definitely learn how to use Photoshop properly as well as webdesign. Not to mention, decide on my thesis for next year! Good news though, I got an A for my paper & exam! I am sooooo happy about that. Talk about a great Xmas present (well an early one). Feels that my study and hard work has paid off. Not to mention it has given me motivation to hang in there and do my thesis next year. Just what on though and need to have enough to write 30,000 words.. (120 pages..?)
Thanks for tuning in and keep tuning in, until Xmas, after that will be out of the blogging world for a while..
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France



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