Wednesday, November 15, 2006

timing of life..

taken on a venetian bridge

Sometimes when you think of someone they can scare you and intimidate you and you wonder why you have agreed to meet them. Then when you do meet up with them, you find that it was just in your head and they aren't as intimidating as you thought (or scary for that matters), and are actually willing to help you out. One of my friends is like this, and although I find them a bit intimidating, at the same time they are very helpful and only wish the best for me. I sometimes have to clear out the negative self-made thoughts in my head and really start thinking out of the box more. It is sometimes quite hard to do this when you are boxed in, but it is only your thoughts that make you feel this way and really you are what you think. So think the best and take advantage of what the world has to offer you. There is plenty out there for everyone and it is only the pettiness that you may think that there isn't, which brings about, depression, sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy and all those other insecurities. The more you think about what you want in your life and being happy for others, the more joy it will bring to your life.

Well, that is my two cents for today. Other things on my mind.. Well, I had a very unexpected visit from Z last night. Totally took me off guard. Really nice to see Z and had the pleasure of consuming some very good Aussie Shiraz combined with some Brie and Blue cheese. A very nice evening indeed. Lucky with the timing though, I must say. The funny thing was, I was thinking of Z and that it would be great if they just turned up on my doormat! The next thing I knew, my doorbell rang! Coincidence or is it the power of the thought?

This week has gone fairly fast I guess and will be Thursday before I know it. The time at work usually goes quite slowly, but there are perks with the job that I won't leave until those perks don't seem so perky. Until then, will keep my ears and eyes out for anything that may crop up. A lot of seems to be with the contacts that you make and who you know not what you know with these kinds of positions. Also, timing. But isn't everything in life to do with timing these days? The people you meet, the luck that comes your way, work, friends, almost anything can be gauged on timing. Some people believe in it, others think it's just logical, not magical. How can coincidences be explained though? There must be something out there that bring things (or people) together for a reason and not just because of the events that just happen to collide.

like two wild toadstalls beside each other, it is all in the timing..

Life begets life. Energy becomes energy.
It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.
Sarah Bernhardt



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