Friday, November 10, 2006

business cards..(just the same as brands)

Ryoanji temple, Kyoto

Why is it that if you don't have a famous name on your business card, people just glance at it for about five seconds (if you are lucky) and then put it away in their pocket. That's it. Nothing more really said. I realise just how some people may not be into brands of goods, but brands of companies with the way their attitude is. One of my good friends, N, once told me that they realised if someone was a good business contact (or friend) by the way they looked and their perception of the business card. I think there is definitely truth within that. Like people that care just about their looks, brands - materialism, the same goes with business cards, and if you aren't working for a large company, then you are simply overlooked. Well, I figure it is their loss and not mine, as they aren't worth your two cents. If they are so great, then they should be making you feel great too. Obviously not.
Exam finished, was a three hour one, but got it done in less than 2 and a half hours.. hmm.. perhaps I should have written more, however, I filled up all the necessary spaces and added more, so I don't think that was the problem.. Maybe just a fast writer? Wasn't as bad as I thought, and I am looking forward to the results. Had a nice afternoon and caught up with N in the afternoon (different N as I mentioned above), and Z who treated me to dinner and champagne! Ooh, wasn't I lucky!
Sunday, another exam for the Japanese universities, so will see how I go for that. Have done absolutely no study, so may find it harder that I think. Still, will give it a go and will be interesting to see what my score is, university level or still high school (if not primary school?..)

Believe in yourself and the rest will happen.


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