Friday, October 13, 2006

friday - again

Have updated my blog to the new version and this is my first time to use it. Not sure on the differences just yet, but seems that it is easier to use..

Yesterday went for a walk in the park close to the office and took this photo. Was quite happy with it considering it was taken on my phone and it wasn't a lot of light where I took it. If you can guess where this is, you have to write and tell me!

Today is slightly cooler and definitely has a feel of Autumn in the air. Looks like we are in for good weekend weather too. Yahoo! I am all for sunny dry Autumn weather that is for sure.

Tonight am meeting up with friends in Ebisu (close to home) which is quite convenient. Not really feeling very social at all and was thinking how much I would rather just be at home watching Prisonbreak or Desperate Housewives! Is this normal for a 30 year old to be wanting to relax at home and watch numerous episodes of American TV dramas?! Perhaps it is just a phase that I am going through at the moment? Well, for one thing, once I have finished this TV series, I don't think I will start watching another one till well after my exam! (Start of Nov.)

Have sent in my assignment for Uni and am now awaiting results. I hoping for the same or a better score as before. Fingers crossed. The exam will be hard, however, we are allowed to take a dictionary which is great. Not electronic though, so will be using the old push of the fingers to get the pages turned! Been a while since I have done that!

As for the previous post regarding psychiatric experiments, I really had to try and compose myself afterwards. I felt so sick, sad, upset, angry and disturbed to think that these experiments took place. I wonder how many people really know what goes on behind closed doors. What is scary is, in another 50-100years time, the same thing will be happening, and it will be listed from 2005-2105. The crazy things people ate and fed each other, or the drugs and medicine they took in thinking they were getting better. This and North Korea, Israel, Palestine, earthquakes, murders etc, makes you wonder what exactly is the kind of world that we are living in. At least there are two things that can help the world and that is peace and happiness, but how many people around you seem at peace and happy?....

The days seem quite long, but the weeks go by so quickly. It's hard to believe it's Friday again! Since I haven't been too busy at work this week, I have been doing some websurfing (as one does) and I just stumbled across this blog. Kind of cool. The writer seems to be in the same sort of place as me at the moment kind-of-feeling. Also mentioned how bored at work she is and is blogging at work. And I thought it was only me doing this?!

Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually. Peace, for example, starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us.
HH The Dalai Lama



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