Thursday, October 12, 2006

fine autumn days

Been a while since I last wrote in here. Guess I have been preoccupied with other things going on in my life... So where do I start to fill you in on what I have been up to? Hmm... Well recently, I attended a workshop on abundance. Was an amazing workshop and felt really positive and vibrant afterwards. Almost like I couldn't wait to see the future. My teacher who held it is an amazing person and you can just feel the energy off her as soon as you think of her.
A whole day to spend in a workshop, sounds such a long time, however, surprisingly it went really fast. A lot of meditations, writing exercises about what you want in your life and the obstacles that are blocking from what you want. I learnt a lot about what it is what I really want and how to magnetize what you want into reality. Hard to describe into words briefly, but believe in the power of positive thought and thinking. It can make all the difference on how you view yourself, others and the world. Expect the best out of life and trust your inner guidance.
Spent a lovely evening with very good friend N and we hung out in a very cool cafe near Meguro enjoying a macha espresso (yes, macha espresso with no coffee) and latte. Time with people you love always goes so quickly and you never want the time to end. I guess that is in the mind too, as really it doesn't end, it only ends when you think it ends. N and I are in similar positions at the moment, so there is always a lot to talk about in such great details.

Last night, I decided to call in on a good friend M, who lives in the same apartment building as me! Very cool chic and a very rare one that says, just drop in when you have time. Don't worry about calling, just ring the bell! Usually it is the opposite here in Japan and we have to call or at least mail beforehand, however, here is someone that doesn't mind and encourages me to just drop in. Ended up staying for over two hours chatting about life and all the other things girls like to chat about ;-)

Have recently got on Skype which is really cool! An amazing system and still cannot get over how clear it is! Skype to Skype calls are free. I think the inventor of Skype should get a Nobel prize, for the quality and putting so many people in contact with each other. I was using it last night and noticed that there were over 7 million other users using it at the same time! Mind boggling isn't it.

Watched the first 3 DVDs of Prisonbreak last night. Heck, that is as addictive as Desperate Housewives! Not to mention that the two main guys are very cute! Was going to have an early night, however, stayed up till 1am watching it! It is so hard to not watch the next episode. These days, I seem to be doing that a lot and that is just coming home, having dinner, relaxing and then watching 2-3 episodes in a row. For me, that is where I want to be at the moment and really enjoying just hanging out in my apartment. Must look at getting a sofa at some time though. My floor chairs and beanbag only is good for a while.. Looking forward to watching the next few episodes.. can see where my weekend is going to be heading.. in front of the TV watching Prisonbreak.

Another good friend, M, was over here for a week from the States and enlightened me about my work and career life, amongst other things. Since I work in a Japanese company with very minimal foreigners (I'm the only one on my floor), I don't get to mix with many and forget how the interaction is with foreigners. The chitchat, the compliments, the idle conversation over an espresso... The grass is always greener on the other side, however, have been contemplating on going to the other side recently. Perhaps that is where I need to go for my next step with work. Work here is not stressful and I do enjoy it sometimes, but feel that my skills and talents (?!) aren't being put to use, and if the complaints outnumber the positive aspects, then really one should consider other options. Will be a huge change if I do go through with looking at moving on from here. Today is a good day and enjoying not being challenged at work, so it's not so bad at all, however, the bad days are rather tedious and wonder what exactly I am doing here. (Today is a good day!)

Whosoever wishes to know about the world must learn about it in its particular details.
Knowledge is not intelligence.
In searching for the truth be ready for the unexpected.
Change alone is unchanging.
The same road goes both up and down.
The beginning of a circle is also its end.
Not I, but the world says it: all is one.
And yet everything comes in season.
Heraklietos of Ephesos



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