Sunday, September 17, 2006

modern day cinderella's..

Just a quick note in the blog today, while eating thin crispy seaweed. Need a snack before dinner as I think I have had quite enough of sweet bean snacks. Next thing I will be putting on weight! (just kidding, but you will know it is from azuki beans and not junk food).

A typhoon is approaching Japan and so it has brought the rain. Not so good, but good for studying. Which I should be doing as I write this... Have been a bit discouraged as I had quite a rough commentary on my 10,000 word report (which incidentally, I received back yesterday). Not so good and need a day of mucking about before I get stuck in the study me thinks!

Last night went into Daikanyama (for those that don't know, it is where the trendy designers of fashion hang out. I.e. there are no supermarkets to make it easy for daily living in the area).

Went with good friend N and met up with some very good other friends too. Last night's event was one for the trendy people in Tokyo (don't know how I managed to get there..) Anyway, it was quite hip, with very some very suave dressed up guys and gals. Most imperssive. Had a few fun dances with my friends (A is almost teacher-level of hip-hop dancing, my other friend Y, is the equivalent at that at salsa). One of the interesting things about this particular event was that they had booths at the party (manicures, hand massages, eyelash extensions..) Great for the girlies, and I do hope I get invited to more events like this. Entry fee of 500yen, included a drink of your choice and I got my nails done. Feeling rather girly now though.. hee hee.. It was almost midnight and we all decided we had had enough of the trendy ambience, so we all bolted off to be safe and sound in our apartments. Modern day Cinderella's perhaps?..

Was meant to be going off to Mito today to check out one of the three most famous gardens in Japan, but ended up doing spring (?!) cleaning. All those little bits that only get cleaned every 6 months! Now house is feeling rather sparkly! Light shades, edges on the walls, dust behind the wardrobe, you name it, I think I cleaned it. Including the windows. Unfortunately, it is raining now, but kind of nice since I'm quite comfortable sitting at my desk looking out of the window writing this and thinking of my next paper to write.

Friday night was great and met up with very close friend Z for quite an unexpected evening. Got into the park for free (very close to closing time and did the "short-term visiting foreigner" thing). Z did well at managing to convince the stern looking guard. Hohoho.. It worked out well, and got to see some Autumn leaves and the very old tea house. Nice to see nature in the middle of the city some times. We both decided to have soba at a great soba restaurant (sorry, cannot reveal name due to popularity). Anago (type of deep sea eel/fish) tempura that was so succulent, vingared seaweed, tamagoyaki (layered egg omelete kind of thing), with very nice sake and topped off with 100% soba noodles. Was a wonderful dinner and must remember to go there more often. The trouble is, it is usually packed at the most convenient times.. Was a great night, great food and company and good to feel relaxed after quite a long and busy week.

Tomorrow off to see some poodles and to have the amazing hot and cold stone therapy facial/massage. Looking very forward to that. She is an amazing therapist and my skin is amazing after it. (If you want to know more details, drop me a line and I will let you know how you contact her.)

Happiness is the way.
So, treasure every moment that you have.
And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special,
special enough to spend your time and remember that time waits for no one. ...
John Doggett

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