Monday, July 10, 2006

paper finished

Thanks for checking in again. Been a while, I know... meaning to have written in here, but have been busy with the postgrad paper. Ahh, is nice not to have to worry about any more proofreading or editing or study! Have finally finished my paper that was due a month ago, however, my lovely professor gave me a very generous extension and now it is waiting to be marked.. I just hope I get the result that I have been dreaming for. Fingers crossed. Of course, I won't know till a few weeks time.. so will just forget about it and enjoy my study-free days! Of course these days won't last, as I have another paper starting when I get back from my trip to Italy! Not excited about yet, but I guess I will be, once I reach foreign air and get the feeling of "Italy" in my vibes!

Apart from that, Tokyo has continued to become hotter and more humid. Still, as I feel the cold, I don't mind the heat at all. Actually, love the summer here since it is so hot. Only wish I could be by a pool or the clear blue sea like that in Izu... Hopefully get down there this year and show you some photos of the sandy yellow beaches and clear blue water. (The photo you see is a shot I took about 6 in the morning in Izu (Shimoda). Very beautiful and peaceful without any crowds at that time of the day. Italian beaches aren't really like this, and mainly consist of rocks that you jump off into the sea. Can be a bit intimidating. On the other hand, the sea is such a beautiful colour, warm and clean that you forget about your worries.

Got 1km of swimming laps in on Sunday which was good. Too crowded though. About 4-5 people to the lane, and most of them were pretty well-built guys. Not much fun at all, until you get on your natural high (forgot the professional term of it) from swimming. Took mother down there and she even swam a few lengths too! Good for her. Haven't seen her before in a swimming cap so it was pretty funny! Life begins at 50 that is for sure!

The photo below is of Amalfi. The view from the restaurant that we were looking from in Praiano...

Not the most interesting blog comment today, but hopefully it should be a bit more interesting towards the end of the week..

Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.
Benjamin Disraeli



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