Sunday, August 20, 2006

been a while

Wow, can't believe it is almost the end of August. The days have been going by quickly, and the first way of telling that is how quickly the light is changing in the late afternoon. By 5.30 the sun has almost gone down now, a sign that Autumn is not that far away. Gone will be those days of finishing work when the daylight is still there.

A number of things have changed, and one of them is that my mother will be returning back home after four months here. Has been wonderful having her here as we have been hanging out and exploring new places. People have been great to her and she always tells me these deep and interesting conversations she has with the locals. I ask her if they spoke English, and she said they didn't. It's amazing how much can be communicated without the need of being billingual. Ahh, those days.. Sometimes, it would be nice to be back in the non-billingual world and see the difference of how people treat you. I guess I can always go back into that box, since I am recognised as always being a foreigner, until you say a word in Japanese. Maybe I will just do that for now on, and be a non-bilingual girl in Tokyo.

My paper is being marked as you read this. I hope for a good mark. Another paper is started, with the dead line being at the end of this week! Perhaps, you won't here from me again for a while... Will try and write in here a bit more and keep you dated about what has been going on. So much to fill you in on and tell you what we have been doing. But for now, this will have to do and it is nearing 11pm, which by all means is almost past my bed time!.. Need my beauty sleep that is for sure.

Rest well and will be back again soon! Stay tuned!

Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.



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