Tuesday, September 26, 2006

service in Japan..

The rain is with us and it feels like Autumn is definitely in the air.. We have had some very warm days here, one day reaching 29 degrees!

Met up with Z the other day and explored the inner gardens of the Palace. I cannot believe I haven't been there before and it's a haven waiting to be explored. Mind you, you have to get in early as the gates close before 4pm and it is shut on Monday's and Friday's. However, if you do get the chance, do explore the garden. The area has been very well preserved and it is great to have a green oasis in the middle of downtown Tokyo. Was a great day and the weather was just perfect for strolling around gardens and mucking around on the grass. Definitely, just one of those happy, relaxing days that puts you in a good mood for the rest of the week.

Lunch was interesting, as we visited the restaurant at an Art gallery and couldn't work out why there were so many older women (over the age of 60) there. The atmosphere is rather swanky, and not really what I would have thought that would be popular with the over 60's, however, the place was packed with them, dining on Western cuisine. The service, despite being in Japan, wasn't even up to par. Perhaps the waiters and waitresses were overworked, but we didn't even get an apology for a fork being dropped on the table.. usually, they would be apologising profusedly. Is there a change in Japanese service at swanky restuarants now? Z and I contemplated about this, however, we just came to the conclusion that it was just that kind of place and they were probably fed up with the demands of older ladies..

Have been researching into some cancer articles lately and it seems that Curcumin is the best thing out for you regarding the prevention of cancer. Indians don't have much cancer in their diet, and it may be due to all the herbs and spices that are found in their curries and traditional medicine. There is something in the yellow colour of Tumeric that is said to help destroy the cancer cells. I find that taking tumeric or curcumin is the best thing after a few drinks, as the next day I feel great without any hangover! (Of course at the time of taking the yellow powder, I am almost choking on tumeric and almost gagging in the mouth from it), however, I know the benefits do work.. (At least a couple of teaspoons, and if you can manage after a LOT of drinking, then a good sized dessert spoon is recommended). Let me know if you have experienced this miracle too. I swear by it!

This week it looks like I may be off to the races at Funabashi. Will be the first time I have gone to a race track in Japan. I have an image of old, dodgy men at races in Japan, so not that excited about it. The reason why I am going is a good friend has invited me to support one of her friends that owns a race horse! (same sort of age as us!) We have seats to the VIP box, so will be worth checking out. May even take some photos and post them up! Not holding my breath, but am up for new experiences and this is one that I have yet to try out. (Still haven't been to a Sumo match, baseball game, Japanese rock concert yet..) Other things that will have to be ticked off eventually.

Seems another good friend J, may be leaving within 6 months. This is one of those things that happen in Japan, bond with someone and then they decide to leave. Another one of my friends had a great farewell party at a traditional Japanese garden and invited all their friends along. Was a great afternoon. I thought I had been here for a while, but most of the people there had been in Japan for about 15-28 years! At 7 years, I seemed just a novice! Some very accomplished people, but with a very down-to-earth attitude about life and were open and friendly. For me, these events scare the daylight out of me, going into a room of knowing absolutely no one. However, I accepted the challenge and met some great people. I guess I never overlook an opportunity if I can.

"They can because they think they can."
- Vergil (BC)

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