Tuesday, October 31, 2006

autumn days

This photo was taken from my floor where I work.
The sun looked most amazing, shining her rays through the clouds on to Tokyo..

These days have been so nice, it is hard to be at work, especially after lunch and enjoying the fresh autumn air..

Today I had lunch with Z, since Z was around and managed to get a great seat in the park all to ourselves. Hard to imagine that there was noone else around at this time of the day in the middle of Tokyo. Just greeted with the sun rays through the leaves and the smell of trees. We picked up a couple of onigiri's (riceballs), made from brown rice and filled with the condiments of either fresh salmon, umeboshi plum, shiso herb and jako (small fish). All really good ingredients used too, so even better! Oh, and not to forget the miso soup which was the icing on the cake. A very nice, relaxing lunch hour, but time went too quickly and ended up being 15 mins late back to work! I don't know if anyone noticed or not.. let's hope they didn't and that all is well.

Last Friday, I ended up taking the day off (due to the weather being too nice), and Z and I decided we would both just hang out for a change and make the most of the weather. We visited my favourite cafe in Jiyugaoka and had scones and apple pie (I still think the best in Tokyo!), and then decided to go and have a Head Spa (consisting of your head being massaged for 30mins with deepsea Thallso mineral gel). Even got our shoulders massaged. If you haven't had a Head Spa before, I thoroughly reccommend it. The most awesome feeling afterwards and your head will feel so light you wonder if it's still on your head! Well, it definitely takes the stress off you and being pampered is great! A few guys there as well. Having our heads all sparkly and clean and stepped right out of the salon, we decided to head out to the standing bar. A very cool swanky place that is hard to get in, unless you just time it right - like we did! A couple of sangria's, tataki tuna and fresh smoked bacon, we were on a high! Nothing like a great day off like that to really appreciate life. Tokyo, I must say is great and I always feel spoilt when I go to my favourite places and able to share them with special friends, especially with Z.

The rest of the week, there is study, study and more study. Final exam for my paper is on Tuesday next week. I am a bit anxious and aprehensive about it, although, I did get some very good news regarding my assignment that I handed in the other day and received 80% for it! Was I a happy chappy yesterday! Almost shouted out in the main street by work when I read my mail on my phone!

Must keep believing in the best and expecting the best. And so should you. The world is full of abundance and you deserve it. Believe in yourself and you will attain what you are looking for and want. Money, love, happiness, acknowledgement, satisfaction, the list is endless, just like your dreams and goals. Believe in all of them and that you can accomplish them all! It is only your mind that limits you, and if you have an unlimited mind, then your potential is unlimited!
Just go for it and enjoy what life is offering you.

Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
Arthur Schopenhauer



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