Friday, October 13, 2006

distuburing reality on psychiatric experimentation

I just read this website regarding an article on psychiatry. If you have the time and want to be shocked about the truth behind experimentation, please check it out.

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)Monday, March 06, 2006 by: Dani Veracity

Here is what the introduction says.

The true history of psychiatry and the chemical treatment of so-called mental disorders goes straight back to Nazi Germany, where scientists from IG Farben (which spawned Bayer and other drug firms) were using war prisoners as guinea pigs in Nazi-controlled medical experiments. This isn't some wild conspiracy theory, either: It's part of the historical record. Read Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965) to catch a glimpse (if you dare).
Want to learn more shocking facts about modern psychiatry? Visit the
Citizens Commission on Human Rights. It's a grassroots organization that fights against the evils of psychiatry and Big Pharma. It was originally set up by the Church of Scientology. I'm not a member of the church, but on this issue I agree with them completely: Psychiatry has gone mad, and it must be stopped.

Chester M. Southam, who injected Ohio State Prison inmates with live cancer cells in 1952, performs the same procedure on 22 senile, African-American female patients at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in order to watch their immunological response. Southam tells the patients that they are receiving "some cells," but leaves out the fact that they are cancer cells. He claims he doesn't obtain informed consent from the patients because he does not want to frighten them by telling them what he is doing, but he nevertheless temporarily loses his medical license because of it. Ironically, he eventually becomes president of the American Cancer Society (
Greger, Merritte, et al.).



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