Thursday, November 30, 2006


These days, Tokyo is getting cooler, but seems like the summer in NZ is also. I couldn't believe it when I was told by my mother that there was a fresh snowfall on the mountain and it was colder over there than here! Seems like global warming is really starting to affect the weather over there. So much for going back and experiencing a hot summer! At this rate I will be lucky to shed my polar fleece jacket!

I visited Kamakura on Saturday and went to the more non-visited temples, although, they were quite crowded. Seems at this time of the year, the autumn leaves bring out the crowds. Best to avoid these beautiful hilly towns, unless you want to be waded down by the crowds. It was great to be out of Tokyo though and enjoy a fairly happy atmosphere, as everyone appreciated the beautiful weather and scenary, despite being crowded.

Met up with Z last night and we enjoyed some very good sushi with some very special black (large) bean natto. You really have to taste it to enjoy it. It is one of my favourite delicacies in Japan (black bean natto), and if you are fan of natto, you will know what I am talking about. Check out Kamakurayama for their natto and beans.

A mediation worshop was held on the Sunday which I participated in. Kind of interesting and that the key to mediation (to start off with), is to focus on something, like the rising and falling of the breath, fire and water symbology, just something that the mind can focus on. There is also a technique that we can use call the "samurai", in which when a thought comes into the mind, we just chop it off! Learnt a lot more about meditation, but it doesn't make it any easier to meditate with so much going through my mind. Which is more the reason why I need to meditate! It's a catch-22!

When I leave work, it is great to bike back and smell the different smells and the mixtures of nature. There are quite a few spots that have trees between the office and my home, and I always appreciate the natural scent that the trees invidicate the air with. I feel so lucky to have the choice to use the train, bike, taxi, foot and/or bus to get to the office, and appreciate being where I am in the world at this point of time.
Even if you are really in a tough spot and think you are depressed, take a good look at yourself and really wonder if you are? Do you truely need to be sad and depressed about things, or is it just something in your mind and that you just don't want to face. Are you fully appreciating what is around you and what life has to offer you, or are you just going from day to day without awareness. Eventhough everyday life may seem mundane, in fact, it isn't. It is just you overlooking things and really not wanting to make anything of something that could be out there. But we never really know when we are fully satisifed or appreciating life since we just take it for granted at times and what we are presented with. We are what we make out of life and what we put in, we get back out. So take a moment and think to yourself. how much you appreciate what is around you, the people that you are connected with and yourself.
I just want to thank you and appreciate your acknowledgement to me.

The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.
William James



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