Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Thought I would just log and write a bit since it's been a while. Quite a bit has been happening, just trying to find the right time to write here. Perhaps I haven't been motivated to write here.. well, yes that is partially true too.

The photo is of a shop that I visited in Venice. I liked the masks and always wonder who really is behind them. It must be so much fun to be at one of those masked balls. Perhaps, we are in masks everyday. Do we really know someone that well and if we do, are they really the same person with the face that we think they are? I guess a lot of guys can say, they are completely fooled by some women with their make up. Isn't there a saying about coyote ugly and where the situation is really bad, the coyote will chew off its' leg in order to escape the situation of having to face what they are lying next too.. Hence the phrase "coyote ugly". And here I was thinking coyote's are cute!

Work, well, at the moment searching on immunology and how the immunity is depleted when someone gets cancer. I have to search for proven "scientific" methods, not real health methods that actually help people. A bit hard for a health-techie like me.. But at least I am trying to help those people that do believe in drugs and what modern technology can offer. I say good luck, but first take a look at your diet, lifestyle, stress levels, environment, viruses you may have picked up through water in third-world countries (or your own country?) first and then you may really be able to get better than having to put yourself and family and friends through the agonising pain of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I would like to see the success rates of people that have only received that and did no other alternative treatment. I bet there is not a doctor out there that would rely completley on these two treatments. They would seek alternative therapies if they have researched well-enough. There sure is enough information out there that can tell you what is right and wrong and how many people have died from a result of trying to help people by natural means. (We will leave out the fraud's for the time being..). However, all in all, it is what you believe in, and there is nothing more powerful than the power of thought and positive thinking. That's my two cents worth.

Thought I would end this with a cute funny...

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.

John Lennon



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