Tuesday, December 05, 2006

sore kidney and happiness

Quite a funny cartoon today.. I like Mike Adams work..

Yes, last night and this morning my kidney is quite sore (right hand side one), and not really sure why.. Too many teas? (I did drink quite a bit of chinese teas yesterday). Really not sure and hope that the pain goes away.

Last night was rather quiet and contemplated on life and how I am happy in the present. Didn't really get up to a lot of stuff, but did some sorting through a drawer that has been building up with stuff that needs to be sorted through. Always good to get rid of things and was quite pleased to take more unnecessary stuff down to the rubbish room.

So what did I contemplate on?... Where am I at the moment and am I happy in Tokyo, Japan? If I am not happy here, then would I be happier elsewhere in the world? Where in the world? Running away from being unhappy, doesn't necessarily mean that you will be happier on the other side of the fence. So have been sorting through my head to see if I am content being here. There are a couple of issues I have to get through, and I think once I am through them, I think I can clearly make a few choices. Definitely changing my life from the choices made. Just have to see which choice I choose. Is happiness really a state of mind or is it a state of being? I guess it is a mixture of both. A balance of what you have in your life and what comes into your life. How you handle it is important. Is happiness just the state of being and handling things calmly and peacefully. If it is so, then why are some of the happiest-seeming people sometimes not so happy. Therefore, the state of happiness must be in the mind and not just looking at what is presented to you as the being. I think if the mind reflects happiness, then this will reflect in the body naturally. I don't think it works the other way around, as people are never happy with the bodies and always want to change some part of themselves to make themselves feel happy. But if it comes from the inside, then it will naturally make you feel happy on the outside too. (Happy on the inside out.) However, there is nothing wrong in smiling, eventhough you may not feel that happy. Sometimes just smiling can make you feel happier and better. So just go ahead and smile. And hey, you might get a smile back from someone and it will make you feel better instantly!

Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves.

Helen Keller



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