Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Homeless and Spring

Why is it that the weekends you are bushy tailed wide awake at 7am and the weekdays you can hardly roll your eyelid open at 8am? Is it psychological or is it that there is something in your brain that tells you that it is a "work day" and that you have to get up. I felt like that yesterday, and today almost did, however, it was a very beautiful sunny spring morning and decided to leap up from my futon and go out for a morning walk. I am glad I did and it does make a difference. The fresh chill of the morning air in my lungs and knowing that some days I am fast asleep, but today I am up with the young girls dressed in their freshly starched uniforms walking to school (I happen to pass by Sacred Heart Girls College on my walks). Immaculately dressed in their dark green pinafores with their matching green felt bowler hats. It always surprises me how early they attend school. I am sure I used to manage to squeeze into the classroom before the last bell was rung - 8.45am! What do they do when they get to school at 7am? Checking their homework with the other girls? Playing in the playground? Lessons? Sure is early to start school.

The buds are slowly emerging into the air and before long we will have the blossoms greeting us. Ahh, spring in Japan, it must be the most favoured season for Japanese. They have parties to celebrate the blossoms - Hanami. Before long there will be invitations out to go out drinking under the cherry trees. Where the homeless can finally make a bit of a cash with people paying them to save places under the best cherry tree spots. My friend D told me that the homeless preferred food than money, since they find it hard to be accepted to enter a store to buy the food. They preferred to receive the leftovers from the hanami party. (Handy hint for those hanami goers?...)

Remain true to yourself and the truth will shine from you.



At 2/22/2006 1:38 pm, Blogger Steven said...

Sounds like so much fun.

At 3/01/2006 1:07 pm, Blogger kinakogirl said...

Hanami can be a lot of fun, although a lot of it depends on the people you are with. A lot of the time it can be with collegues from work and it can be a bit tedious unless you have some really cool people you work with. The other factor is the weather and it can be quite cold still.. Although, the more you drink, the less you notice the cold perhaps...


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