Thursday, February 16, 2006

Health article

Woke up to a drizzly day today. However, it is nice to have a change in the weather. To hear the sound of rain outside and the cars whizzing by. Now that I am used to the winter and always having to put on at least 3 layers of clothing, I am not looking forward to the hot summer months. At least they aren't for a few more months yet! Phew!

I came across this article on the web about the dangers of chemicals in everything, including perfumes, washing powder and toothpaste. If you have time, please check it out. I often check out this website as it has some very useful and interesting information. Sorry it's not in Japanese. (Good practice for your English is what I say though!)

Still reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. Getting better all the time. Only a 1/4 of the way through, however, it has me hooked. I wonder if they will turn this into a sequal to the movie of the Vinci Code? Would be cool if they do! The effects will be most impressive!

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein


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