Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Spring and Turkish coffee

Spring seems like it is finally here. It's not even 10am and the temperature is already 16 degrees! According to the Japanese, there are 4 days of warm weather and then 3 days of cold weather before Spring finally arrives. It seems like tomorrow will plumment down to a high of 9 degrees.. How can they figure this out? Apparently this happens every year - obviously. Interesting huh. I wonder if this is the same all over the world? Someone please inform me if this phenonomen happens in any other part of the world....

I went for my first Japanese lesson at a school last night, since I decided that I still needed to study, even on Valentine's Day! My lesson involved an article about the recently opened Omotesando Hills. One of the stores there (93 in all) was Harry Winston. The main feature -necklace worth a cool 9.57 million yen (about 130,000 NZ dollars). I wonder if they have the real one displayed or it is just a fake in the glass cabinent. Knowing Japan, it is probably the real one! Another new "attraction" there is a bar that includes a track to race your radio controlled "model" cars. You can race your own one as long as it is a Minx (no idea what type of model car this is..?). I wonder how that will go down with the girls on a date? Or the girls that have a Minx and will race it down at the bar?.. Does anyone have a Minx?..
Will check out O.Hills once the hype cools down. around it.

Just made a Turkish coffee. The aroma of the coffee drifting through the apartment brings be back to those alleyways in Istanbul. My first Turkish coffee was in an original quaint typcial style Turkish cafe over looking the Hippodrome (well the remains of it).. Ahh, the memories of Turkey. Unfortunately, I don't think I have perfected how to make the perfect cup yet, as the crema wasn't on top :-( Any hints on how to make the perfect cup?

Finished off the day with a walk around the neighbourhood. Must say it was a very nice night, warm yet still with a slight chill in the air, just to remind that winter hasn't quite finished it's term yet. There are some amazing houses in the area. One that I never get tired of thinking about is a huge house that is situated on like park grounds. A bit like a house out of The Munsters. I bet there are some stories that go with that place. Will try and take a photo of it some time and post it on here. It is impossible to go inside due to the intimidating and closed gates at the entrance way. Just what type of person would live there?

Beware of what you set your mind on
for that you will surely become.




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