Tuesday, February 14, 2006

a happy spring valentine's day in tokyo

A lovely day here, around 14 degrees. Feels like spring is definitely on its way at long last! Lunch time always seems to go by so much quicker when the weather is warm and spring like. It must be one of my favourite seasons. That and Autumn.

I bumped into a long lost friend that I work with in the same building. Haven't seen her for over 3 weeks! Being the only two females working in the company, one would imagine it would be pretty easy to bump into each other, however, this sky scraper office has around 5000 people and often each floor is like another company. 42 floors in total - phew!

Just enjoying a cappacino from Starbucks (less espresso, extra hot, soy milk) and wondering what I am going to do for the rest of the day. There is proofreading to be done of the translation that I have completed... I guess I will put that off for another week. Seems like too much brain work required at this time of the day.

Just read Hitomi Kanehara's novel called Snake and Earrings. Quite heavy going and rather graphic in places. Wasn't sure what I was expecting, but not quite as hard core as I read. Interesting though and does lift a light on Japanese girls in society. Still haven't worked out where exactly Hitomi is trying to hit home with the snake tongue, but I am sure there is a hidden metaphor within it. Hitomi won the very prestigious Akutagawa book prize. Hitomi and another young author named Risa Wataya (18) were the youngest recipients to win the prize. I am currently trying to read Risa's book called Keritai Senaka - Want to kick your back. (Or something translated similar to that). Haven't got that far with it yet. The books will help towards my thesis that I intend to write after reading that. Will be tough going, but have enrolled so no turning back! If you have read these, please let me know your comments. I would be most interested in them (^-^)/

If you are in Tokyo, I do hope you are enjoying this wonderful spring day. If you are in NZ then no doubt you are enjoying the cooler autumn days.

Btw, Happy Valentine's Day too! Here in Japan, the tradition is that girl's give the guys (inlcuding bosses, fathers, brothers) chocolates and then in a month's time (March 14th - White Day), the guys (including the bosses, fathers, brothers) return gifts (usually double the price of the chocolate that was given to them, as it seems to be expected by Japanese girls), to the givers. Is this just a marketing ploy for the shops or what.?! The whole tradition of valentine's day seems to have disappeared and white day has been added. Oh, bring back those days where we open cards to find we have secret admirer's..
Note: most chocolate is of a form of obligation chocolate, and "true love" chocolate is only for the one's that are either going out or newly married.

I have also decided that I will end my posts by a quote. Either one that I've made up myself, or one that has inspired me..

The beauty that embodies a dream,
Has the power to manifest a reality.
(sri chinmoy)



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