Monday, February 13, 2006

first words

Hi and welcome to my blog !!

Honestly speaking, I have been anticipating to start a blog for quite some time, an alternative to a diary in a way. Will see how it goes and what kind of comments I get back from people. Please bear with me if it seems a bit dull at the start, as I am sure once I get used to things it will get a bit more exciting. Until then, please keep checking my blog out and you never know, you may be featured in it!
Oh, and feel free to add any comments or opinions :-)

Seize the day to begin the day!



At 6/09/2006 11:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear genkicat, I find your sight very informative, keep up the interesting writing. Yes, Japan is a land of contradictions, in a strange way fun to experience in small doses!


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