Saturday, June 02, 2007

warmer days

Just realised this is my 99th entry into my blog. Should be trying to add more entries in it, however, time these days hasn't allowed it...or more to the point, my blog has become a lower priority due increased work responsibilities and enjoying life not behind the PC. It's amazing how much one spends time behind the PC and how much we rely on it now compared to ten or fifiteen years ago. I remember the days where I would go and check my mail once a week, and that was it. The only mail I had on my phone was a text based style which would allow up to 25 letters/characters. Ahh, they were the days, where phones were still used as phones and people weren't using their phones as books or PC's. I saw on the news this morning that the teenagers are now using their phones as reading material (i.e. reading a novel), since they don't want to carry around a book, but always carry their phones around. This is great for increasing their reading, however, what will it do for their eyes.... looks like the market for glasses and contact lenses will be increasing....

Work has been interesting and feeling my value with helping out in a major crisis. Even stayed at work till 9.30! (I'm usually out of the office by 5.30 most days!) Prefer to not spend more than 8 hours in the office, mainly due to the atmoshphere of fluroscent lights, bad air conditioning and air, and just generally need to get out and get some fresh air and enjoy life. Too many people are staying in the office till 9 most nights! I sometimes wonder if this is what I really want to do. I think I have a plan in my head that will more or less get sorted out soon, but just wondering which path to take and what to study. The IT world is interesting, but can see that I am not that passionate about it, or if I am, things hold me back (i.e not being a fully fledged employee etc...) The company's culture seems to hold a lot of people back and the way people manage others. I am always surprised at how some of the technology is advanced, yet, when it comes down to basic management skills, they are often lacking and disencouraging.
I guess once the rose-coloured glasses have come off, one gets to see the real world and the cracks that shine through them. That is how I feel about work at the moment. I am thankful and appreciate my job and new responsibilites, but there are some things that have taken me by surprise.

What else have I been up to these days... Swimming, some yoga, sorting through books (about 150 of them!) A good friend left Japan and asked if I wanted any books... Well, I guess I went a bit overboard. Now have to find some good homes for them, not to mention a decent sized bookshelf to home them in my home!

Consider the moment and accept.


At 6/11/2007 6:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sommer

Read the blog and it's good you have different plans going thru your head! Hope to do the Awa with D today if she is home.



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