Sunday, March 11, 2007

dreams and time..

Everest at sunrise

Days go by so quickly, yet some times the time feels so slow.

So much has been happening and find it sometimes I don't have time to reflect on what has been going on, yet, as time goes by, things sink in and wonder that things that have happened are meant to be and that the universe doesn't give anything to you that you can't handle. So in that sense, I find the strength to face reality and know that things that are meant to be, will find a way of sorting themselves out. A solution is there for every problem, it's just a matter of finding your way through it to the solution that presents itself.

Like the photo of Everest (taken by friend Blair), we must keep facing the sun and reaching for our dreams. There as many dreams out there and it is up to you to keep making them and reaching them. The height of Mt Everest is the height that you should always be striving for -
reaching for the stars on top of the world.

Per Ardua Ad Astra
Through Adversity To The Stars


At 6/02/2007 12:19 pm, Blogger Sawan said...

Life is short.. Enjoy every moment...


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