Monday, June 11, 2007

Lucky 100th!

Just listening to the GAIA Symphony CD. I think it is a Japanese produced CD, but has dolphin and whale sounds as well as classical piano music. Quite interesting and soothing. Just good for relaxing to on a Monday night. Realised that this is my 100th entry in my blog. Must keep it up. Will inform you again when I get to 150! Seems a long way off yet.....!

Now into my 8th day of the detox and feeling pretty good actually. Went to yoga twice in the weekend and starting to feel like things are getting together again and getting a routine organised. Yoga sure is a great way to feel good about yourself and the world that we are in. Even getting a couple of people interestedd in it at work (including a guy!) so that's nice. Seems that there would be more guys interested in going to yoga and these sorts of things after work, but it's just that they have to stay at work (obviously working!) till late, so they never have any time to actually do anything in particular after work. My heart really feels for them.

Planning to get my fan in my apartment revamped (well replaced), and the landlord is giving me some grief about it. How can a clean fan stop the smells coming through into my room without a vent?! Have had numerous phone calls trying to sort this out with her, but seems that she can't work out. Long story, anyway, wish me luck in trying to convince her to replace the twenty or so year old fan...

Kenta is better, Bella may have passed away or is with another family?.... My heart goes to all those out there that have lost a loved one (or pet) and has never been able to find the corpse. Let's just hope that they didn't suffer too much...

Prayer to the world and it's suffering


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