Thursday, December 21, 2006

watering plants

The secret is watering plants every three days. When you water them make sure you pour enough water that it goes right through to the bottom (i.e. water coming out of the pot). Then leave them for three days and re-water them then. The flower shop guy told me this as this is what they do to their plants. So have been doing that and my weak-looking rosemary plant has come alive again and living to it's fullest. So thought I would share this small tip with you.. All my other plants have really grown as well. So I recommend this system for healthy and genki plants!

Not much longer to go till I leave. Before that though, so much to do, packing, xmas presents, sorting out what I am taking on holiday (summer back at home!) and xmas eve drinks and xmas dinner with friends. It's going to be a great end of year. Sharing with many of my closest friends, although very close friend Z won't be able to join. Will have a drink for you though sweetie!

Feels like today is Friday, and swore that it was this morning when I saw my friend in the elevator saying, yeah, it's Friday today.. she looked at me oddly and thought really? I thought it was Thursday..? Whoops, a day ahead of myself!
If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to,
no one with which to share the beauty of the stars,
to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life?
It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning.
This is harmony.
We must discover the joy of each other,
the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.
Mitsugi Saotomo



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