Friday, December 22, 2006

sunsets and special times..

Why do sunsets always look better than the photos?... I guess it is the moment that counts..

These days I have been taking time out between twilight and night, and the sun sure has been beautiful. It really becomes quite a deep red colour as it sets. I didn't know that Tokyo sunsets could be so beautiful. It's not only the sunsets on desert islands that look beautiful, but if you look out the window of a high rise building (at least with a view of the sky towards Mt. Fuji), then you may be pleasantly surprised. Really is quite pretty and never ceases to amaze me at how beautiful the light and the city can look. However, with sunsets, you can appreciate it them by yourself, but they are always so much more special when you share them with someone. Knowing that someone may be looking at it symoltaneously is even more special. It really can add to the moment and nice to think you are synchronised with the sun and the energy from it. This sometimes happens to me, although it really is rare...

Tonight, have an opening to go to a restaurant which should be interesting. An old friend of mine has invited me to their friend's restaurant and it seems that it is a really good fish restaurant, I can't seem to get enough fish at the moment, so am really happy to be dining out.

Last night I had a very nice night with Z and treated me to a very memorial Christmas dinner. Was really nice and we had the best service. Started off with Louis P champagne which set the night. Plenty of freshly cooked bread, a great Ceasar salad, wonderful mushroom soup, scampi risotto and Buri roasted with Yuzu fish. Luckily the portions were Japanese size so we could fit all the food in. The atmosphere was quite fit for Christmas as they had a real fire going in the background! Who said you couldn't have open fires in Tokyo?! Anyway, recommend Stellato in Shirogane if you want a special evening out. Thank you Z again for a wonderful night. It was quite unexpected as the restaurant that we were going to dine at was closed for a private function. Funny how things sometimes work out for the best?

Isn't this just the perfect moment for this cat?
complete bliss..
When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched,
you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution,
that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless.
You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there,
as well as how much space.
Pema Chodron


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