Monday, December 25, 2006

christmas in tokyo

Christmas is interesting here as the Japanese really go all out for things commercially, however, when you go to a restaurant (unless it is a foreign one or one that is specifically doing expensive "Xmas dinners"), then you won't find a single Christmas decoration! But if you walk around Ginza, Shibuya, or any other area, you are pounded with Christmas decorations, Christmas cakes, Christmas sales, anything Christmassy. It seems that it is just a commercialization of Christmas and really is only very superficial. It is kind of a shame as if they go this far out then at least they could add a bit of glitter to restaurants or to "globalised" traditional Japanese companies at least..

Has been a busy week though. Only time I have been home this week in the evenings was Wednesday. Thursday was out for dinner (as written previously), Friday met up with a good old friend to a very cool restaurant in Nishi Azabu. The concept is like a showroom with very causal interaction with the chefs. Kasahara is the name of the restaurant. Very cool and hip kind of joint. Saturday evening went out to La Baron in Aoyama, opening party which was pretty cool. Apparently Paris Hilton was meant to stroll on in, but left due to it being a bit mundane.. did a bit of dancing though! Then after that it was to the Vagina Denetete Nite at Aoiyuzu in Ebisu, which was rather funky. Some interesting people there, and some interesting costumes! However most of the people there were dressed pretty normal and the ones that were dressed up were obviously hired to set the theme. (about 4 girls with very revealing costumes). Did meet a very interesting guy who sold half a million yen vibrxxxxrs! Showed me photos of them too. Designed with the mother of pearl!

Sunday night (Xmas eve) was a home party at a very cool apartment in Aoyama. Enjoyed meeting a lot of down-to-earth people, well, a few exceptions... Was a great Xmas Eve party and good to be amongst a lot of people that were all pretty happy and friendly.

Today, I did have a good lunch though at Atago Hills with very good friend D. Eventhough it was a sushi restaurant, D enjoyed some great soba and I enjoyed a type of sushi bowl meal (see photo). Good to go somewhere a bit different and splash out a bit. The food was excellent and the view from the 42nd floor was great, overlooking the palace grounds from afar..

I wish everyone that reads my blog a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays, and to all the people in the world, much love, peace and happiness.

As for my own Christmas present this year, I haven't bought anything really for myself, I guess I will in the sales in NZ and Australia. Hearing from people also are like presents, especially from good friends that are so far away but so deep in your heart.

Merry Christmas and peace and joy to the world!

Let your smile show from the inside out.


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