Thursday, January 20, 2011

thoughts for the time being in Tokyo

Tokyo Tower and the mysterious NOA building in Kamiyacho

These days, there is so much social networking going on - which is kind of ironic when you think its not really that "social". In fact, I would refer to it as being anti-social as it really doesn't contain any spoken language, just thoughts going through your fingers to the keyboard. Perhaps that is the way how things will eventually go, we will internally send our thoughts out without speaking.. like animals, plants and other beings..

Social networking (mainly, Facebook, twitter, mixi), seem to be where its at these days and if you aren't a part of it (especially when one lives in a city), then you can be made to feel like you are being left behind. Of course if you are not interested in any of the trends in technology and keeping up with fads, then you may be closing the door on more than just social networking, but how the future will be determined. They say that the young will determine our future, and if the young are so based on what is going on now, then it would seem obvious that things will continue to increase being more technologically based than before.

I love technology and what it can bring, however, I do appreciate life without it. Never really miss my cellphone or email if I don't get a chance to view it when I go on holiday. I find that the world still goes on without me having to look into the technological gadget or device... It's like the world has gone back to the 80's again...

Well, that's about my thoughts for this evening... Another chilly night in Tokyo at 2 degrees.. bring on Spring! Official day in Japan is Feb 4!

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