Tuesday, November 04, 2008

days go by..

Thought I would check in again and give a bit of an update..

Things have been quite hectic up until now.. funny how one day you don't have enough hours in the day to complete work, then the next, things are happily pretty quiet... I think overall, I prefer being busy.. although, it is nice to have time to catch up with things that need to be caught up with, and not be stressed out...!

What have I been up to apart from work.. well, where do I start.. Some yoga classes now and then, listening to music, revamping my apartment (as much as one can do without putting holes in the wall....) eating well and enjoying the Autumnal weather that is in Tokyo at the moment. I'm enjoying the seasonal foods, especially persimmons which taste great.....

Any goss.. hmm.. no boyfriend to be in sight.. probably best that way since I can keep my concentration fully on the job and my "self-development" as well as just having a good time by myself.. however, it would be good to find someone that meets my expectations of a "boyfriend", yet it seems to be really hard to even meet people that fall into the category.. Will I ever come across someone that is compatible and interesting as well as funny and cute....oh and should I mention - single! Until I do, I guess I will keep improving myself and keep enjoying what there is to enjoy in life - heaps of great things and no guy to tie my down!

Will try and keep my posts regular, although it does depend on how busy I get... At the moment, it looks like I could write in this every second day...

Enjoy life and what it has in store for you


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