Saturday, August 23, 2008

new beginings...

Well, it's been a while and things have been going great. I had a couple of months off from the office and found a great job doing something that I love doing.. marketing, consulting, sales as well as coordination at a non-Japanese company. The people are great and easy to work with and have a lot of respect for the CEO who also happens to be right into health and fittness. Seems to care about employees health as well as a happy work balance/environment. Nice to have that kind of atmosphere instead of one that is always thinking about budget cuts and restrictions not to mention all the paperwork that needs to be covered each day....

What else has been happening over the summer in Tokyo... Well, did spend a couple of days camping at an amazing place in Izu. The beach was as clear as any beaches back at home and the water - crystal clear! I can't wait to go back there and swim through the waters again.. if only it would become hot again.. Seems Tokyo has hit Autumn and we are experiencing temperatures in the mid 20's and not in the mid 30's... ho hum.... maybe next year....?

Some thoughts in general, well, at the moment, have really been concentrating on the new job and what it entitles, however, have been making the most of the time and seems my time management is getting better, the busier I am the easier I can make better use of my time...

September (only another week away), will bring us a new season, Autumn. I'm looking forward to indulging on the Autumnal fruit and wearing warmer clothes, not to mention seeing the changing colours of the leaves that will soon happen. The trees that I look out to from my balcony will start metamorphising into fantastic reds, oranges and tawny browns....

Before that happens though, it's time to enjoy what the rest of the summer offers us, cooler evenings with still a touch of the heat of the sun to smile at us..

it's up to what you want to enjoy,
there are no rules.


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