Thursday, June 19, 2008

security & interviews

just a very quick splurge as i wanted to say hi to all those that sometimes check my blog, and wonder when the next entry will be in here.. there have been a number of changes, my work at the large japanese organisation has come to an end... the next step? which way to go? study? work? study and work? back to fulltime in the japanese office with no flexibility? freelance with a limited salary? there are a number of options on the horizon, but which way to go... guess i will just follow my instinct and let my heart guide me to making a decision.
since i have stopped working (about 3 weeks ago now), the days have been going fast.. interviews, preparing for them and also my two other part time jobs that i have been continuing to keep my afloat with my rent.. :-) They are also are a lot of fun too, so makes it hard to give up if I do find a fulltime job... hmm..

an interesting thought that occurred to me while going to all these interviews, is that it has been quite an interesting experience, and the more interviews I have, the more relaxed i feel and the more of a feeling i get about the interviewer. each interview i have had has been totally different. some lasting for 40 mins, other's being over two hours! have been meeting some interesting people and there are certainly are opportunities out there if you are prepared to go out and find them and put yourself out there. i guess having bilingual skills is a definitely advantage, but it also comes down to convincing people that you are capable about the job and even if you have no sales experience, you are doing sales - "selling yourself" as a product, since you are wanting them to invest in you as an employee..

the offices that i have been too, have been increasingly getting tighter on security. the most impressive office has to be the mori building in roppongi, with amazing views and marble floors... the less impressive one, a small office underground that had no windows, and where the security was even tighter than that of mori building, interestingly enough..

will try and write again soon with my random thoughts :-)

enjoy and let your heart lead the way..


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