Monday, March 24, 2008

article on japan's equality of salaries.. (not)

just read this... still japan lacks behind in the world.. guess that is why we have to make guys treat us for dinners, etc.. (you can just make the excuse, "well, you do get paid 3 times as much as I should be getting..." hee hee...)

btw, i did do quite well for white day... quite a lot of chocolates and cookies.. remind me to give out more chocolates and things next year...! hee hee..

Japan Times 23rd March

Japan's salary gap

White Day was celebrated March 14, but along with giving cookies and chocolates, men might have done better to give women the one-third of their salaries they are missing. According to new data, Japanese women are paid 33 percent less than men. A recent report on average salary gaps from the International Trade Union Confederation revealed that gender differences in salary persist, with Japan's gap one of the largest.
The study showed that among world economies, Japan's male-female pay disparity edges out even Asian neighbors, South Korea and China, and is double the world average. Japan often compares itself to the West in many regards, but the average pay gap of 14 percent in Europe and 22 percent in the U.S. betters Japan's by double digits. The continued wage difference in Japan would buy a lot of Valentine's Day chocolate.
Economic inequality continues for many reasons. Educational levels have become higher for women, with 33 percent of women advancing to university. However, compared to 47 percent of men who go to college, higher education has not yet become an entirely equalizing proposition. Once working, seniority systems at most companies, especially large-scale ones, ensure that men are promoted more often and receive extra allowances for dependents and housing. These fringe benefits, including higher bonuses, are often significantly less for women. Even more importantly, women make up over two-thirds of all part-time workers, where benefits are minimal or simply nonexistent.

Japan's economy has gone through many changes over the last decade, but gender-equal pay scales is not yet one of them. Women resigning their jobs for reasons of marriage, childbirth or childcare is a worn-out excuse for what is clearly continued discrimination against women in the workplace.
In 2000, the Cabinet adopted the "Basic Plan for Gender Equality" while a bureaucratic restructuring established the Gender Equality Bureau within the Cabinet Office. However, eight years later, even with women making up 40 percent of all paid employees, genuine improvements are shamefully minimal. A gender-equal society should be a source of pride and self-respect for any nation, but in Japan, it remains a goal not yet accomplished.


At 8/21/2009 5:25 pm, Blogger Mike said...

Actually, I was dating a Japanese woman about 9 years ago who owned outright 3 "mansions" in Tokyo, and had a kick ass job in a construction firm. She was loaded. Yet in 3 months, she never even did the "here, let me pay!" fake-reach-for-the-wallet thing. Not once. Not even at Starbucks. Not even when SHE invited ME for dinner! On the other hand, another ex had a shite job, but she always paid for coffee after dinner etc. Loved that. It was a balanced arrangement when you took into account economy of scale. So I think that the whole idea of guys paying for everything is not entirely economic.

As for the equality of salaries, when they allow men to leave their career for a year to raise kids and return in their same position with the same salary, then I think we'll be making progress. I think the underlying issue is not the assumption that women's work is worth less -- but that in Japan, it's 100% assumed that a married woman who leaves work will need to be supported by her husband. This explains why when guys get married or have kids, they immediately get pay bumps. Some of my married with kids friends make as much as I do, although they're newer to the job and way less qualified. So wage discrimination is a lot more complex than the data leads us to believe IMHO.

At 11/10/2009 11:53 am, Blogger kinakogirl said...

Thanks for your comment Mike. It was interesting.. In my experience of my friends stories about girls, it seems that the more richer they are, the more they expect the guy to pay..

Will be updating my blog again some time.. btw, how did you come across my blog..?


At 11/12/2009 12:40 am, Blogger Mike said...

I totally can't remember how I got here. Having said that, yesterday I walked out of Kappa Sushi with the bill in my hand totally oblivious to the fact that I hadn't paid. I kept thinking, "What's this piece of paper I'm carrying to my car?" It was pretty freaky -- total white out, until I clicked and dashed back to the restaurant and to the deer-in-the-headlight-stare of the amazed girl not sure what to do with a D&D gaijin. So with that in mind, you'll understand that not remembering how I got here is quite possible. lol

Looking forward to new updates. You should get the subscribe think on your blog. I have both subscribe and follow. Although I think I only have 4 people following me. Anyway, if you get that let me know so I can sign up!


PS: Not meaning to be rude here, but the screen capture reads "Milif". Freaky.


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