Wednesday, January 17, 2007

sleepy mornings

These days I feel just liked doing what this cat is doing. This cat is rather special to me as he used to always come over to my apartment. How did I know he came over, I would here a very faint little meow by my door. He was also a very special cat as he only had one eye, so I called him appropriately "one eye". A lovely ginger fluffy boy, who would sometimes take over my futon and make himself quite comfortable. Many an afternoon which I would just play around with him in the sun that would team into my living room. (That was way back when I had my apartment in Musashikosugi..)

It has been quite cold, although not as cold as it should be for mid winter. I'm not complaining and quite enjoying the mild winter. Still cold enough to wear my long coats (including my cashmere one! hee hee..) Have been trying to get myself a bit more motivated this year and did visit the company's sports centre! (Well, a few treadmills, weights which is about it really..) But good to make a start and hopefully will try and carry on with a routine there. It really should be made the most of as it is just a few floors down from my office! That and combining it with swimming and yoga of course.

Met up with Z for lunch today at my favourite sandwich place and then also for a coffee, which was great. Definitely helps to break up the day that is for sure. Always really nice to meet up with good friends and makes you feel not so homesick for the holidays and home. Has been a different kind of week, sometimes so happy to be back, and other times really wondering what I am doing here and where my life is going. Just have to take one day at a time, but there are decisions that need to be made and life to be lived.

Oh yes, have put up some very cool cream curtains in my apartment that very good friend A gave me. They have made quite a difference and my room looks more cozy AND is more cozy! So really happy about that. So my apartment is looking quite good. Need to really clean it up - all those small crooks and crannies that you don't do when you normally clean. (The Japanese have a thing over here for cleaning and that the BIG CLEAN should be done over the new year's break). Mine will be a bit delayed but will get round to it within this month!

Also, I had my birthday too for those that remembered. Thanks for all the special birthday wishes. Really means a lot. Must remember to keep a better track on birthday's and special events. This year I ended up going on the boat (sea) and caught my first fish! Was a great thrill. Then went for a swim in a very secluded, tranquil beach (will post photo later of the place I swam), and then was taken out to a beautiful dinner and had Striped Trumpter (fish name) for dinner! Was very spoilt. Saw some great spots in Tassie and really recommend it as a place to visit. Not crowded, very few people and just amazing beaches. Most impressed. Thanks J for all your tourguiding and spoiling me!

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
George Sands


At 2/02/2007 1:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done, you have had a busy winter, esp the therapy side of things! Isnt that what Japan is famous for?? By the way the 'sun streams in- not teams in' hee hee.
Like the sayings at the end.
Keep up your writings, much apprctd.


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